Imperius anathema

Dark Lord of the Sith
Executor of Apotheosis
Devastator of Vaal

Roleplay Hooks

Renowned Warrior
Darth Anathema is the epitome of what a Sith Warrior is meant to be. He embodies the embrace of conflict, of combat and of war. By having gathered a few capable commanders and strategists, he is able to throw himself into battle and make a difference. Brutal and efficient but also upholding a certain warrior's honour, he will acknowledge a worthy opponent, in his way.
Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Anathema is a Dark Lord of the Sith and originally hails from the Sphere of Military Offense, now serving under Military Command. Though it is no secret that he is devoted to the idea of pursuing offensive doctrines in favour of defensive or even conserving.
Vaal Sector Marshal
Commander and governor of the Vaal Sector, Darth Anathema is engaged in the conquest of the sector since after the invasion of Zakuul. Primarily fighting the Republic across planets and systems and now pushing them to only a handful of planets.
Force Scholar
Through decades of practical experience and extensive usage of the Dark side, study of existing and gone civilisations and organisations using the Force, the gathering of artifacts, he has become very knowledgeable in the various aspects and facets the Force offers.
Man of War
There is nothing as pure and true as conflict and nowhere it is more perfectly manifested than in war. He believes that only conquest permits unity, that there is no greater pursuit for a Sith than devote themselves to dominating their surroundings through violent subjugation.
Opportunism, Pragmatism
Sith are above all opportunists and pragmatists, they are breaking their chains and not following the ideals of narrow minded and limiting fools who are either dead or outright incapable. This includes the usage of any form of strength available, be it their philosophies or warriors, aliens or not. There is no greater insult to Sith philosophy than denying those who have potential to serve the Sith Code.


Titanic is the best word to describe the first impression most people would have for the Epicanthix. Imperius stands at two meters and twenty-five centimers tall, heavily built with muscles. His rather pure physical presence is amplified by a dark plate armour, mended and yet scarred from battles uncounted, a seemingly crude and yet masterfully crafted piece of protection which has accompanied him through many battles and duels.Only the upper half of his face is ever visible, the lower concealed behind a respirator unit. What is visible is dominated by the effects of the Dark side. Sickly, corrupted skin, cracked and woven with veins, bloodshot eyes burning with red fire and intricate red tattoos which run along his shaven scalp.Imperius' voice is remarkably clear and extraordinary in its way of delivering his determination and conviction, it is powerful and reaches everyone it is meant to. There is no doubt, no hesitation in his tone, yet there is no arrogance or hint of screaming.Those attuned to the Force will immediately notice his presence. He is not hiding it, or attempting to, he carries it with the same conviction as his voice carries effortlessly across a battlefield. Imagine a light, so pure that it can burn out your eyes with its serene and flawless purity - now reverse it. A black hole, the pull of its temptations of power so strong, its emotions running so hot into a bottomless abyss of hate, wrath and ruthless ambition.

Skills & Abilities

The Force

The Dark Side
Imperius Anathema has an exceptional command over the Dark side of the Force, though is neither a Sorcerer nor an Alchemist. His entire studies are devoted to mastering the core Force powers and bringing them to bear against his enemies.
Sith Lightning - Imperius is incredibly skilled to produce lethal streams of Lightning in an instant, ranging from mere shock to a destructive Force Storm.Telekinesis - Another basic Force power the Dark Lord has refined to near-perfection. Imperius frequently makes use of various offensive techniques, basic pushes and pulls to rippling waves and the feared Repulse.Barrier & Tutaminis - The proficiency in defensive techniques is mandatory to Imperius, his use of Barrier has been noted to stop a large variety of onslaughts already.Body Augmentation - An imposing physique, thanks to a rather intense workout and diet routine, is sometimes not sufficient. The Executor is proficient to amplify both his strength and speed through the Force, to increase his already terrifying physical abilities.


The Lightsaber
Life and dedication of a Sith Warrior do not come without the Lightsaber. The Dark Lord has mastered at least two Lightsaber Forms, centered around the core focus of duelling.
Makashi (Form II) - Imperius has mastered the duelling Form of Lightsaber combat in a rather unique approach. Incorporating certain aspects of Soresu, he is using Makashi in a quite defensive manner. A tactic used to evaluate his enemies while making sure to maintaining direction and path of the fight.Djem So (Form V) - In perfect conjuntion with his mentality, Djem So is utilized once the opportunity opens and to relenetlessly overpower and enemy through pure force and power. His forward momentum can only be described as crushing, the bladework as lethal and precise.Juyo (Form VII) - A duellist so fiercely devoted to the currents of the Dark Side can only embrace the final Form of Lightsaber combat. Rarely that anyone could ever tell the tale of him using it, but that may just be down to those who experienced it, not being alive anymore. It is a reverberation of his total self-control, his discipline and dedication to combat itself.

Unarmed Combat
Growing up in a martial and gladitorial family and environment, the now Dark Lord learned from an early age to defend himself even without weapons.
Teräs Käsi - Though acquired later in his life, Teräs Käsi has been the mainstay of his unarmed prowess and ability. Its mental approach very much suiting the Dark Lord with his views and goals.Echani Martial Arts - Imperius's gladiator master-at-arms was a veteran Echani and taught the young boy for many years in the art of her people. It was well suited for the rather spectatorial gladiator pits and the young Epicanthix could master his developing body to bring down his adversaries.


Many Tongued
Imperius knows many languages, both in spoken and written form. This includes traditional Imperial based languages, such as Sith, ur-Kittât, Dashadi and Chiss, but also extends to Mando'a, Huttese, Epicanth, Arkanian, Tusken, Khaleesh and Echani, with several more on a semi-fluent or read-only skill level.
Force Scholar
Darth Anathema has studied a large variety of cultures, orders and organisations that practice the Force. These range from the common Sith and Jedi philosophies and practices to Baran Do, Legions of Lettow, Rakata, the ancient Sith, the Je'daii of Tython, Zakuuls Knights and Scions, the Voss and Revanites with several more kept in obscurity even by himself.
Warrior Spirit
Common with languages and based on his origin and upbrining, Anathema sees great value in the cultural aspects of a warrior to determine their worth. He is Sith, he is Epicanthix and he knows and understands what makes cultures like the Kaleesh, Mandalorians, Tusken, Echani or Dashade bring forth so accomplished warriors.
The Executor is not a stranger to war, neither as a combatant, nor as a commander. He is known for tactical brilliance both when maneuvering fleets and armies or when commanding a special forces squad himself. He is well versed to use active, reactive, offensive or defensive tactics alike, using brute force or cunning and deception.


Darth Agema (KIA)
Imperius now dead master and last member of the Agema bloodline. Imperius holds the memory of his master tight, having learned and embraced his teachings to the degree of zeal. As the one who had pulled him from the arena and introduced him into the world of Sith, it had a lasting impact on the young Imperius. It was only right that it was at his hands that his master passed on the reigns.
Lord Shamiko Ris
Lord Ris is a warrior-stereotype of a very casual, some would say disrespectful, demeanor. Imperius considers her a remarkable asset, one which can be unleashed, her ambition and passion standing up to his own. It is a respect shown in a limited amount of trust for their purpose and acknowledgement of her goal.
Lord Kellerein
A connection made through the Titans of Industry network but expanded in Operation Vornskr. Having fought several times alongside each other, Anathema holds a not small amount of respect for the veteran Lord.
Jedi Knight Darius Gearbolt
More than a mere nuance to his operations during Operation Vornskr, the Jedi seemed to have made it his duty to oppose the Dark Lords doings and they have clashed multiple times. Imperius maintains a limited amount of respect for the resolve of the Jedi.
Sith Taluem Faer
A young Sith who has caught the attention of the Dark Lord both with his show of focus as well as determination. After announcing that the Sith seeks apprenticeship, Anathema has moved to trial the supplicant and see if he is indeed worthy.
Lord Drachea
An eager and skillful Sith who Imperius is fond of employing for her specialisation: intelligence. She is a competent and useful asset, she has proved her worth in the Thaal Campaign and Operation Vornskr.
Darth M'alacor
Met during Operation Vornskr, Imperius offers a certain trust towards the ability and ideology of this pureblood Dark Lord. A mutual understanding at that, they are working together quite smoothly as well as successfully on what they approached.
Darth Iniquis
Darth Anathema holds very little regard for those sitting and commanding from desks, letting minions do their bidding over accomplishing anything on their own. He sees Iniquis as a stain on Sith ideology, a pawn of petty imperial ambitions and since a certain run-in, will be ready to orchestrate her destruction.
More to come ...

The Holocron

The Rule of Conquest


Coinsidering that fact that you managed to get here, you must have some worth, the Force being strong in you or at least you show a determination which is worth to be acknowledged.
I am Imperius Anathema, Dark Lord of the Sith and Master of the Dark side and you have come to harness my knowledge and experiences. I care little for if you are Sith yourself or not, worth is not determined by allegiance but by action. In finding and accessing my holocron, you have proven that your actions are worth my tutelage and you will be able to harness what I know.
My time is that of the Sith Empire engulfed in a generations long war with the Republic and their Jedi minions. I have defeated battlemasters, led armies to triumph and crushed worlds under my heels and it will be recorded as feats done for an Empire which is not mine. You will find tales of glory, lessons on tactics and advice on strategy here but be not mistaken, the core of this knowledge is not done by a servant, nor by a soldier who follows their masters. Your strength or determination might speak for your ability to access my knowledge, but abusing it as a mere minion of someone else, and you are polluting my afterlife with your mere presence and I will conceal knowledge from you.My Order saw many changes at the time of my life, be it the concordate signed in the Treaty of Coruscant, pitting us in a truce and peace against our enemy, be it one of the crises which was caused by other forces such as the Revanites or Zakuulans, or the end of the rule of Darth Vitiate who reigned for a thousand years as our Emperor just to be branded a traitor and replaced by a rule of lazy complacency, petty unity and corrupting bureaucracy.It saw the rise of great warriors, Darth Marr, Darth Malgus, the Hero of Tython or the Empire`s Wrath. Their strength and power was a reward for their convictions, the power they wielded not built on a foundation of deception but strength. They achieved these feats by conquering their peers, by destroying what stood in their way and by claiming what they wanted.By now you may begin to understand that my perspective is not limited to the Sith only. I have been living my life as a Sith and craving the destruction of the chains which held me in place and I could never hope to do so by limiting my perspective, by narrowing my view and bending to the monopoly of dogma both Jedi and Sith claim and embrace.The dogma will consider me a traitor, the narrow-minded will call me betrayer and some will even refer to me as a hypocrite. Let them. The embrace of conflict, the conviction to conquest and the pursuit of ultimate power have no care for the bystanders of history. War is our judge and laws are to be desecrated, ideals to be harvested and the weak to be subjugated.Let me introduce you to: THE RULE OF CONQUEST.

The Verbatim

The Apotheosis Verbatim
Through conflict, I find purpose.
Through purpose, I am forged, only the relentless thrive.
Through strength, I claim knowledge.
Knowledge is power, I destroy the ignorant and weak.
Through power, I unleash the purging fire.
Only the strong will survive and I will be their master.
I formulated the Verbatim as guidance for those who desired to follow, for those who understood that it is neither bureaucracy nor promises of order which will drive our rise. Marr's vision to unite in passion was the right direction, but it did not go far enough and it pushed the Empire before the Sith. Malgus proclaimed a New Empire and has since then proven to the Galaxy that passion is more than the simple mastery of emotions, that the Sith Code is but the first step.Through conflict, I find purpose.
Neither Sith nor sentient being can deny the elementary part conflict plays in nature, without it, one accepts blindness and ignorance. But it is within conflict that the true purpose is found, that conflict itself is the direction and that any confrontation is preferable over a state of peace, complacency and idleness. Without purpose there is no path forward, without path forward, you will never rise above your potential.
Through purpose, I am forged, only the relentless thrive.
It is the hardship of challenges, the destruction of the obstacles in our way which paves the way for our own ascension. It is where abilities become skills, where skills become tools and where your determination is tempered to make your advance unstoppable. Only those unrelenting, unchecked and unbowed earn their right to decide their own fate.
Through strength, I claim knowledge.
Knowledge is not the simple understanding of lore, it is the comprehension of the Galaxy's foundation, of the Force in the universe and more importantly, what you do to it. What you should do it and what is holding you back from doing it. Chains are to be broken, chains of ignorance, of idleness, chains of titles and the chains of allegiance to anything or anyone but yourself.
Knowledge is power, I destroy the ignorant and weak.
Once acquired, your knowledge sets you apart from the faceless masses, from the obedient servants, the loyal minions and mindless pawns. You can abuse their feeble lives, their pathetic nature at your will but what good is the insect to an Avatar of the Dark side? Leave behind what weighs you down, crush what stands in your way, destroy what plagues the Galaxy.
Through power, I unleash the purging fire.
It is through your perception, it is your image that you will imprint on the Galaxy, your mark you will leave. The shadow you cast must be made out of a purifying flame that sets everything you touch on fire. Vindicating. Purging. And among the ashes you will find your equals, you will find who is fit to rule, who is permitted to yet exist and who will be the challengers to yourself.
Only the strong will survive and I will be their master.
And when your triumph is complete, you will shape the Galaxy, when only those of pure passion and elemental strength are left, you will be their master. A new era of pure life, of pure evolution, of pure conflict will follow.


Make no mistake, I condemned the concept of unity above, a miserable attempt of our sovereign to cut off those close on the ladder. Unity for unity's sake, for the idea of unification and for ultimate coherence and obedience to their rule, is to be opposed at all costs. It is cancerous to the ideals of the Sith and does not deserve any more attention than that of a stroke with the blade.Unity is a tool and it aims to serve a purpose. Be aware that there is a large gap between what bands warriors together and what a political compromise is, the latter is the foundation of corruption, the bricks in the wall of our prison. While the former is a source of strength, a momentum which can turn into indomitable velocity and unrelenting force.I am laying out two principles under which those who share a vision can fight side by side, how they can overcome the petty attempts of deceit to march to triumph over the corpses of desecrated law and obliterated minions.To achieve either, it requires leadership and direction. Leadership among Sith cannot be based on laws, decrees and structures, but on strength, action and ability, otherwise it violates the very essence of what we are striving for, what the Code shows us. A leader among the Sith must be decisive, active and victorious in their actions, they cannot hope to claim rule and domination without being successful, without doing. Action does not equal victory, nor does ability equal strength. It is through direction, through purpose that these gain validity and then might makes right. I will not diminish the achievements of the masters of the arcane arts, but their seclusive and delicate handling of matters is eclipsed by those who follow the path of the Warrior. Their leadership is a hollow shadow compared to the bright beacon a soul forged in the heat of battle can provide. Patience is a strength, but it does not give strength to an individual, nor does deception reward ultimate power, it simply offers a way to apply it at your discretion. To lead you must be present, strong and dominating.This does not serve as a replacement for the rule of law and order, but it seeks to destroy it. The only order is the natural order, the rule of the strongest, the rule of the fittest. Moving up in its hierarchy can be done by utilising various tools, but the purpose should be determined. Strength is the fundamental aspect on which Sith build their power and being. Strength can be achieved in this structure through dedicated and purposeful unity. Unity in passion and unity in conquest.Unity in Conquest
Unity in Passion

Equal opportunity
Break tradition

War Incarnate

Agema's Apprentice

The Empire is war-made manifest - that is why it is perfect.
Darth Malgus
It is one of the first lines I ever heard from my master, back in one of the spartan, yet imposing offices in the Academy of Korriban. Back then the Sith Order was still dominated by the idea of crushing the Republic, it was tainted by a split between the profiteers of the peace and the Sith who felt cheated of their complete victory. Politics, intrigues and schemes were in everyones mouths and at the Academy a sense of pragmatism was beginning to settle. Losses had to be replenished and the shrinking Pureblooded population was not enough anymore to replace them. So they let those in which were of alien descent. Mudbloods like myself, near-human enough to be tolerated even in the early stages, but still far enough away to offer pitiful racial disadvantages and petty attempts of verbal degradation and physical abuse. They were so naive.I luckily had the chance, several years later, to break the windpipe and spine of my former Overseer with my bare hands. The only trial at the time for which I thanked my master, by now I can value all his trials, but back then, it was a bliss, it felt like a reward. It was in the office where I was made his apprentice several years earlier. I never understood why he maintained that place, but Agema always had a better hand at dealing with the society of our Order, especially on Korriban.I became Darth Agema's apprentice because I not only prevailed in my trials, but because my skill and determination were exceptional. By the time I finished the Academy, my capabilities with a lightsaber were far beyond what most aimed to achieve in years under a dedicated blademaster. My physical strength was amplified exponentially by a keen sense of technique, it was a combination that highlighted my dedication towards Makashi at the time being before I would advance to Djem So.My master did not take any other apprentices, he pretended to employ more and to offer them a ground for competition, but by my second or third year under him, I understood that it was a farce and he only actually trained and raised me with dedicated focus. If it was like that since the first day or if it was something which developed over time - he would never actually comment on that with anything but his typical knowing smirk. In the end it does not matter, I became what I became through the tutelage and the direction I was offered. I do not put his contribution to my rise equal to my own work, but it was essential, especially since the obstacles and antagonism towards non-Purebloods was very strong in the first years after the Treaty.I will share some of the missions, deployments and trials I went through under his tutelage. This is not a profound, detailed biography, but rather a collection of deeds and actions which help me to support my point.

I. The First Deployment



Apotheosis is the name of the collective assets under direct control of Darth Anathema. It encompasses several elements of different and diverse origin and structure.


The Sith are the central element of Darth Anathema's power projection, recruited as well as accepted under neither oath nor force, they are followers, warriors and opportunists who strife and fight for their place. Not exclusive to Sith Warriors but those who show their strength will earn the renown and place at the side of the Dark Lord.

Praetorian Guard

A unit inherited from Darth Agema, the Praetorian Guard serving Apotheosis is a diverse force of soldiers, agents, guards and informants. Trained to serve in all those roles while maintaining a strong grasp of close combat principles and tactical acumen, they are the left hand of enforcement of the Dark Lord.

Gratassh Wartribe

The Gratassh Tribe pledged itself to Darth Imperius during his time as a Lord, when he spent nearly a year on the remote world of Kalee and gained both their respect and trust by proving his worth as a warrior. He employs the Kaleesh as fierce and loyal warriors wherever a swift and brutal solution is needed and an honourable fight offered. Their numbers are fluctuating due to death, birth and other smaller tribes coming and going to join this 'wartribe'.

Clan Galarr

Clan Galarr under their A'lor Kranak is a long-time ally of Darth Imperius, even when he was still a Sith. It was with Kranak's foster father that Imperius learned Mando'a as well as the ideals of the Resol'nare. They are made up of hunters, warriors and trackers of various skills and veterancies.

Vaal Sector Command

As Sector Marshal of the Vaal Sector, Darth Anathema commands a respectable force of imperial army and navy assets. They are firmly in his grasp since the end of the Zakuulan incursion and supplied by his own leadership as well as credits.

Ninth Imperial Assault Fleet

16th Assault Battle Group

Imperial Academy Decimus Minor

Sector Tithe

Private Property

Pizza Mask Inc.

House Anathema



The Sith


The Sith Executor is the leader of the powerbase and has unquestioned authority over it, founder and commander, he is in charge of all its operations, directions and members. It is his powerbase and those joining it, swear obedience to him and his ideology.
Shadow Hand
The Shadow Hand is the chosen of the Executor and is his second in command. He acts on the Executor's command only.
The Imperators are the senior Sith leaders in the powerbase overseeing specific areas of specialisation and expertise called Stratagems, reporting to the Executor as his lieutenants. They are Lords or even Dark Lords of the Sith and handle their respective departments according to their own desires.
While the Imperators are de-facto councilors, they are enforcers and overseers, they claim a spot and devote themselves to it and work on it, reporting and answering to the Executor all the same.


The Fist
The Fist are the Sith dedicated to war, combat and direct confrontation, they are warriors at heart and embrace the purest form of conflict. They are the Executor's Fist, wielded with deadly precision and overwhelming strength to crush the enemy.
The Eye
Within the Eye the Sith that approach conflict from the shadows have their place. Intelligence, espionage, covert operations or even under the shroud of diplomacy they operate and bring vital knowledge to the powerbase.
The Nexus
Be it the science of the natural or of the unnatural, in the Nexus the Sith which delve deep into understanding the mysteries of the Galaxy are at home. Biological weapons, Sith Magic, cybernetics, beats of war - they provide and cater for the most dangerous of tools and instruments.

The Praetorian Guard


The Captain-General is the leader of the Praetorian Guard, an accomplished commander who is not only in command of the imperial operations but is also a fearsome warrior. They answer only to the Executor and are permanently part of his staff and council.
The battlefield commanders of the Praetorian Guard, ascended for their prowess in battle, either with weapon or as commander, they lead the imperial forces of the Praetorian Guard into battle.
Senior squad commanders and junior flag officers who are serving with zeal and skill in the Guard for many years and can attest to triumphs which equals that of many Sith.
The 'rank & file' of the Praetorian Guard is known for its zeal, discipline and skill at arms. They serve the powerbase and Executor.
Warden: Veteran members with squad command.
Sentinel: Veteran members.
Guard: Rank and file.

Primarily roleplaying on Star Wars: The Old Republic and its Darth Malgus Server [EU server], but also available on Star Forge [NA server] and especially for Discord RP. EU timezone myself.